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Registry Valet FAQ

How do I change the list of event types for a registry?
To edit the list of event types, log into the administrator and click Registry Settings. In the left icon menu, click the "Event List" icon.

If you wish to delete event types, click the "Del" link next to the event type you wish to remove. To add a new event type, fill in the event name field at the top of the list and, if desired, enter a sort order code.

By default, the event list will sort in alphabetical order. You may use both letters and numbers in the sort order code. The easiest sort codes to use are numbers such as 01, 02, 03, etc.

NOTE: If any event type sort code fields are left blank, they will sort to the top of the list.

How do I view a bride's (or other registrant's) registry in the administrator?
To view a specific registry as the bride (or other registrant) will see it, log into the administrator and click "Maintain Registries".

From the registry list, click the name of the registry that you wish to view. In the left menu, click "Preview this Registry". You will see the registry displayed in a new window.

How do I setup Registry Valet to work with my web site?
The best thing to do is go through the Registry Valet "Getting Started" Tutorial.

You can find the tutorial online here: Getting Started Tutorial

What do I do if a bride loses her username or password?
There are two things that can be done when a bride (or other registrant) loses their username or password.

First, if they are unable to log in, there is a link directly to the lost password finder from the registry login page. By entering their email address (as it is listed in their registry), the registrant(s) can have the system email the correct username and password.

In some cases, the email address might have been forgotten or was entered incorrectly. In these cases, the bride can contact you and you can look up the username and password for her registry.

Is there a way for the bride to hide her personal information such as her home address from all but her own friends and family?
Yes. When a new registry is created, there is an option to specify the "guest password". When a guest password is used, only the registrant name(s) and event date are visible in the search system. If anyone attempts to access the registry, they will be asked for the guest password. Only those to whom the bride has given the guest password will be able to access the registry.

The bride can change her guest password at any time. In addition, you can, at the bride's request, change the guest password for her from within the administrator.

How long does Registry Valet maintain registries in the system?
Registry Valet maintains all registries in the system for at least 5 years.

In the Registry Settings section of the administrator, you will find a drop=down list box labeled "Keep Registries Available For". The choices in the list are 1 to 5 years. The number is pre-selected to 1 year. Changing this value does not change the length of time that registries are maintained, however, any registry older than the number of years you have selected will be treated as if it does not exist. This means that it will not appear in your list of active registries and the registrant will not be able to sign in to their registry even though it still exists within the system.

How do I change the email address that "New Registry Alert" emails are sent to?
Any time a new registry is created you, as the site owner, are sent an alert email to let you know this has occurred.

To change the email address to which these alerts are sent, log into the administrator and click "Registry Settings". Edit the "Incoming Alert Email Address" field to change the email address to whatever address you would like.

Click "Update Settings" to complete the process.

How do I add my own custom message to the email that is sent to the bride when she creates a new registry?
To add your own custom text (and HTML code if you wish) to the registry confirmation email which is sent at the time that a registrant creates a new registry, log into the administrator and click "Registry Settings".

In the "Registry Confirmation Email Text" field, enter any legal HTML, javascript, graphics, and/or plain text that you would like. Click "Update Settings" to complete the process.

I have encountered this error: "This registry application is currently in Test Mode and has reached the maximum of 10 active registries." What can I do?
When you sign up for Registry Valet service, the application is in test mode. While in test mode, you may work on setting it up to work with your web site and test it for as long as you like. During this testing phase, you are limited to 10 active registries. All functions of the software are completely available and functional, but you may only have 10 registries which can contain as many items as you wish.

To remove this limitation, go to "Live mode". You generally will not go into live mode until you have fully integrated Registry Valet with your site and completed some testing of its features. Once in Live Mode, your first 30 days of service are free of charge. If you decide that Registry Valet is not right for your web site, you may cancel at any time by contacting the Agenne Corporation support staff.

Can a bride set her registry to hide the "Has" and "Needs" Quantities on the worksheet?
Yes. We recognize that some kinds of registrants, such as brides, may want to be surprised and not know the quantities of items that have been purchased.

To handle this situation, Registry Valet allows the bride to set the registry at the time that she creates it to hide these quantities. On the Create New Registry form, there is a section called Preferences. Under this section, is a preference called "Hide Has and Still Needs Quantities". Checking this checkbox will hide these quantities. In addition, there is a Preferences section in the registry main menu when the bride has signed in to her registry where she can change this preference.

If you are using the Agenne commerce platform, when a purchase is made from a registry, the shopping cart system will automatically send the registrant an email that a purchase has been made. If the "Hide Has and Still Needs Quantities" preference is checked, the alert email will not be sent.

How does the registrant add a personal message to their registry?
Registry Valet has the ability to display a block of registrant-specified text at the top of the list of items on each registry.

When a bride or other registrant logs in to their registry, they will see an item in the menu called "Update My Personal Message to Visitors". The registrant can click this link and create a personal message which will be displayed to each visitor to their registry.

Can I put the Registry Login form on my own website?
Yes. You can copy the form code on the Registry Login page and paste it to your own website as a way for your customers to log in to their registries.

However, when one of your customers clicks the "Add to Registry" button on one of your product pages and they are not logged in to their registry, the default registry login page will still be displayed.

I am not receiving an alert email when a new registry is created - what's wrong?
Most likely, either the "Confirmation Email Return address" or the "Incoming Alert Email Address" are incorrect or blank. If either of these fields is incorrect or blank, you will not be sent (or you may not receive) an alert email when a new registry is created.

The next thing to check is to make sure that the alert emails are not being intercepted by a SPAM filter. You should check SPAM or Junk Mail folders in your email system to see if the alert emails are being placed there.

Many of my items have options like color or size. Can Registry Valet work with that?
Yes. The Add-to-Registry form code generator allows you to specify the options used in your add to cart code separately from the rest of the form.

In this way, the options can be shown to the registrant when they select items to add to their registries.

For more information about how to setup your Add-to-Registry button code with options, see the Registry Valet "Getting Started" Tutorial at

When my customers log in to their registries and click my logo at the top of the menu, they get a "Page Not Found" error.
The purpose of the link associated with your logo (note that your logo is displayed if you are not using a custom HTML header) is to allow your customer to click your logo to open a new window where your home page will be displayed.

The problem is that your web site's home page URL is not correctly entered in the Company Information section of the administrator. This URL was entered when you first signed up for Registry Valet service.

It is important that your complete URL starting with "http://" is entered into the "Web Site Home URL" field. To find this field, sign in to the administrator and click the "Company and Accounting" icon in the "Account Management" panel on the main menu. Verify your full URL starting with "http://" is entered into this field. When you are done, click the "Update" button at the bottom of the form.

I want to offer only Wish Lists, not Gift Registries on my web site. Can Registry Valet do this?
Yes. Registry Valet allows you to offer Gift Registries based on a specific type of event such as a wedding, anniversary, or other event OR open-ended Wish Lists, OR both.

To select which type of registries you will allow, sign in to the administrator and click the Registry Settings icon in the Registry Valet panel.

About halfway down the Registry Settings page is the "Allowed Registry Types" setting. Click the dropdown list to reveal the 3 choices;

Choose which type of registries you wish to offer and click the "Update Settings" button at the bottom of the page. This will change the text and links throughout the registry system to match the choice you have made.

Can Registry Valet run inside a frame on my website?
No. Registry Valet is not designed to run within frames or iframes.

How do I change the Add Additional Items to My Registry URL?
If you are using GiftSuite (Agenne's catalog, shopping cart, and gift registry software), your customers are automatically directed to the root page of your catalog. If you are using just Registry Valet with your own catalog or commerce system, the Catalog Home URL is required.

In either case, to change the URL to which your customers are taken when they click Add Additional Items to My Registry, sign in to the administrator and click Registry Settings.

Scroll down to the Catalog Home URL field and enter the full URL to the page to which you wish them to go starting with http:// and click the Update Settings button at the bottom of the screen.

Can one or both of the Daytime and Evening Phone Number Fields be required when someone is creating a gift registry?
Yes. To set one or both of these fields to "required", sign in to the administrator and click the Registry Settings icon in the Gift Registry Management panel.

Change the "Require Daytime Phone Number" and/or the "Require Evening Phone Number" fields to "Yes" and click the Update Settings button.

Does the registrant receive an email when something is purchased from their registry?
Yes, but only if you are using the Agenne commerce platform. If you are using Registry Valet with another commerce system, this feature must be added to that system.

If the registrant is not receiving the alert email when a purchase is made from their registry, there are a few things you will want to check.

First, make sure that the Confirmation Email Return Address in Registry Settings contains a valid email address. If this email address field is blank or if the email address is invalid, the registrant will not receive the email.

Second, make sure that the email address that the registrant has setup in their registry is correct. A blank or incorrect email address will prevent reception of the alert email.

Finally, ask the registrant to check their Junk, Spam, Bulk Mail or other email folders in their email program to see if the email was placed there automatically. Some online email systems such as Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, and Hotmail will place emails into these folders if they do not recognize the return email address (yours) as a friend or contact.

How do I enable the registry Guest Book?
The registry Guest Book is disabled by default. To enable it, click Registry Settings on the main menu. Change the Enable Guest Book setting to Yes and click Update Settings.

How do I setup the Registry Valet Mobile App?
By default, the mobile app is disabled. To enable it, click Registry Settings on the main menu. Then, click the Mobile App Settings in the icon menu. Change the "Enable Mobile Application" dropdown to Yes.

Currently, the only customizations for the mobile app are the background color (which is not visible on all pages) and a custom logo for the sign in page. You will likely want to set the background color to the same color as your main web site.

The logo which can be displayed on the Registry Valet Mobile App Sign In page must be 285 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. Any uploaded image which is not this size will be automatically resized to fit which means that your logo could be stretched or squeezed so be sure to make the logo the proper size.

Once you have made changes to the mobile app settings, be sure to click the Update button.

I have a custom subdomain but appears in the code generator and direct link registry pages. How do I change those?
If you have a custom subdomain setup with Agenne (contact Agenne Support for more information about custom subdomains), but the code generator and the "Direct Link to My Registry" section of the registry application still show as the root URL, you can change that by entering your custom subdomain into the "Custom Subdomain" field of the registry settings screen.

If you do not have a custom subdomain or are not sure if you do, please contact Agenne Support for assistance. Changing the custom subdomain field without having a custom subdomain setup for Registry Valet will cause errors and problems with your Registry Valet system.

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