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CustomCart Shopping Cart Software CustomCart Standard Edition
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Shopping Cart Software Settings Reference
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getting started

Welcome to our Shopping Cart Software "Getting Started" Tutorial! Setting up our Standard Edition shopping cart software to work with your site can be done in just 5 easy steps:
  1. Setting up the "View Shopping Cart" link, your "Add to Cart" buttons, and the "Order Status" form
  2. Selecting your shipping charge model and pricing
  3. Setting up your credit card processor
  4. Customizing the Shopping Experience
  5. Go Live!

STEP 1A: Setting up the "View Cart" Link
"View Shopping Cart" Link
Let's begin with the simplest link in the system, the "View Shopping Cart" link. This is the link that will be used by customers who are shopping on your site and want to view the contents of their shopping cart. The first thing to do is sign in to the administrator and click the "Code Generator" icon in the Shopping Cart Management panel shown here:

menu highlight

This will bring up the main CartLink generator screen shown here:

code generator screen

A good place to put this link is in your web site's header (top part of the page) or menu. This way, your customers can see it while shopping on your site. Note that shopping cart contents are also displayed when something is added to the shopping cart, or any time the contents are modified by the customer shopping on your site.

The easiest way to copy the HTML is to highlight the entire line (inside the white box) with your mouse and then press Control-C on your keyboard (Command-C on Mac). Then, paste it using Control-V (Command-V on Mac) into one of your own web site's HTML pages. It should look something like this:

<a href="">View Shopping Cart</a>

NOTE: The "000" client ID you see in this example will be replaced with your assigned client ID
Once you have saved your web site HTML page and placed it on your web site's server, go to the HTML page that contains this link and click on it. The Shopping Cart Contents page should be displayed and will look something like this: (Don't worry about how plain it looks right now, we will be customizing it and the rest of the shopping experience later in this tutorial)

shopping cart contents
(click for full-sized view)

If you get an error message or the page does not appear, check the link very carefully to make sure that it looks like the example above (only with your numeric client ID in place of the "000".

STEP 1B: "Add to Cart" Buttons
Now, we are going to get to the most important part of setting up the shopping cart software on your site: the "Add to Cart" buttons.

Now, you will use the Code Generator software tool to create the small HTML form that will allow visitors to your site to put products into their shopping cart.

On the this screen, you will see an icon menu to the left. It looks like this:
buttoncode highlight

Click the Add-to-Cart Button Form Generator icon. This will bring up the Form Generator seen here:

code generator

For each product that you want customers to be able to buy, you must create a small bit of HTML called a "CartLink". To create your first CartLink, fill out the form and click the "Generate Code" button. Do this for each item on your site, filling in the appropriate information for each one. If you have any questions or difficulty using this system, please call us at (919) 477-2100 and we will assist you for free.

Form Field Reference

Item Description
This is the description as it will appear once someone has added the product to their shopping cart. This should be short, but descriptive.

Item Price
This is the amount that you want to charge. Enter it without a dollar sign, euro symbol, or pound symbol. For example: 75.95

The reason that you did not use any currency symbol in the price field (above), is because you select your currency using this field's dropdown list. You may select from US Dollars, Euros, or British Pounds.

Item SKU
The SKU is also known as the Product ID. If the manufacturer already has a SKU assigned to the item, use it. If not, feel free to create your own, but it is extremely important that every item have its own unique SKU.

Item Image URL
If you want to show a small image (called a thumbnail) of the item when it is added to the shopping cart, enter its full URL into this field. Note that the URL msut be fully qualified which means that it must begin with http://.

Include Qty Field
If you want your CartLink to include a quantity, field, just check this box and the quantity field will be automatically generated by the software as part of the form.

If this item is a subscription, membership, or a digital download such as software, check this box. Subscriptions and memberships are not taxable and not shippable. By checking this box, when the item is added to the shopping cart, the checkout software will know not to charge either tax or shipping for this item.

If this item is not taxable, uncheck this box. Since most items sold online are taxable, this checkbox is checked by default.

The software allows you to setup special promotional codes which your customers can use to get a discount on products that they buy. But, you may want some items to be immune from this kind of discounting. If this item should not be discounted using promo codes, uncheck this box. Since most items you sell will probably be discountable, this box is checked by default.

Sold in Sets of
This field is used in a special circumstance. If you sell certain items in sets (say, a set of 4), but you want to price them individually (say, $5 each for a total of $20), set the "Sold in Sets of" to 4. When a customer puts it to their shopping cart, the software will only allow them to change the quantity in sets of 4. So, for example, a set of 4 items added to the shopping cart can only be changed to 8, 12, 16, 20, and so forth.

Button Label
By default, the text on the button is "Add to Cart". If you want to change that to something else, such as "Add to Shopping Bag" or "Put in Shopping Basket", change the text in this field.

TIP: It is not necessary to have CartLinks for every product in your catalog before you "go live". You can add CartLinks at any time and you may want to place CartLinks on your site for a few products so that you can move on to the rest of the setup and then go back and create the rest of them later.

If your website uses ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, .NET, or some other dynamic software system to generate your catalog pages on-the-fly, then you can encode your software to generate the CartLinks the same way. For more information about how to set this up, please contact our support team.

STEP 1C: Order Status Form
Now, you are going to want to include a way for your customers to check on the status of their orders. Use the customized Order Status form on the code generator screen. If you are no longer on the this screen, return to the main menu in the administrator, and click the Code Generator icon on the Shopping Cart Management panel. The Order Status form is at the bottom of this screen. Just copy it and paste it onto a page on your website. You may wish to create a special page for order status on your website.
